6-29-13 UPDATE...
5 ways you can cut back on cellphone costs
If you want to know just how expensive things are, look no further than your cell phone. What once cost less than $35 a month can now easily top $100. Still, for most of us, cell phones are a modern must-have.
Below are five ways to trim expenses.
1. Buy an "unlocked" phone. These are not automatically connected to any one service provider. That means you can shop around.
2. Switch to the boss"s plan. Just about every major carrier offers a business discount (including to corporations and school districts) that can be applied to personal phones.
3. Go prepaid. Rather than a pricey one-fee-covers-all, prepaid lets you pay for only what you use. Estimates say about 25 million Americans could save money this way.
4. Trim the fat. Don"t think you"ll use texting and other extras.Then don"t include them in your plan. Often salespeople pressure you int buying a premade plan with all sorts of extras you don't need, but hold you ground.
5. Join the family. Many carriers have discounted family plans that can include friends and other family members.
5 ways you can cut back on cellphone costs
If you want to know just how expensive things are, look no further than your cell phone. What once cost less than $35 a month can now easily top $100. Still, for most of us, cell phones are a modern must-have.
Below are five ways to trim expenses.
1. Buy an "unlocked" phone. These are not automatically connected to any one service provider. That means you can shop around.
2. Switch to the boss"s plan. Just about every major carrier offers a business discount (including to corporations and school districts) that can be applied to personal phones.
3. Go prepaid. Rather than a pricey one-fee-covers-all, prepaid lets you pay for only what you use. Estimates say about 25 million Americans could save money this way.
4. Trim the fat. Don"t think you"ll use texting and other extras.Then don"t include them in your plan. Often salespeople pressure you int buying a premade plan with all sorts of extras you don't need, but hold you ground.
5. Join the family. Many carriers have discounted family plans that can include friends and other family members.
Consider signing up for one of the cable companies, if you
are in an area that supports cable.
Comcast the largest cable company, presently offers a bundle
that includes everything you need for only $88. Their new tuner and router are
instantaneous. Be sure and add the program fire fox so you can bypass windows
if you so choose to do so. Comcast has great support, and employees.
Sign up for the program Fire fox also
called Mozilla. It's the program most people in the world use and it’s free.
Other things to do:
a. Go to Programs click on add or delete, then click on edit
and eliminate all the programs you don't use or want.
b. Also, never add a program when prompted, always say no!
Reason: the program will reconfigure your laptop and cause changes that very
much slow down your computer.
c. Get some plumbers epoxy putty at Home Depot, and after
mixing equal parts of base and accelerator, put a little dab in the space in
the front of your lap top where it says wireless so that your wireless is
always on.
Remember to always
read the instructions on any item you buy. The manufacture knows the best steps
to take.
Dr. Karl Wallace D.D.S.