Saturday, July 14, 2012


 Witten for Freddy a FILIPINO mix
Hat off! Along the street there comes a blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, and a flash of
color beneath the Sky: Blue crimson and white it shines, over the straight marching
lines the flag is passing by signifying the Seabee fights, the ocean fights, the grim and
great. Fought to save the Philippine Nation.  Weary marches and sinking ships, cheers of
victory on dying lips.
Hats off! The Philippine Flag is passing by. You are so grand in every fold, linked with
mighty deeds of old, Steeped in blood where heroes fell, torn and pierced by shot and
Hats off! Throats swells at the sight of you the flag is passing by. Days of glory, tears of
war keeps our Nation, great and strong, warding off dictators from foreign wrong. Pride,
glory, honor, live in the colors stand or fall. Salute the flag as it floats on high,

 Hats off!  Streaming a loft in the clear, blue sky, rippling, easing, tugging away, gay as
the sunshine, bright as day, throbbing with life. No one may mess with the flag of our country free.
Hats off!  The flag’s raised high; bare our heads as it passes by. We thrill with pride, and
our hearts beat fast and we cheer and cheer as the flag goes past—the flag that waves
for you and me—Flag of our country, Flag of the free!  
Hats off!  What of the men who lifted you, Old Flag Upon the top of Luzon Hill, Who
crushed the Japs cruel will, mid shock and roar and crash and scream, which crossed the Inland Sea. Who starved, who fought, who bled, who died, that you might gloat in glorious pride nobly as you led the way.
Hats off! Your stars shine move on for liberty, your white stripes stand for purity
crimson color courage high, For Honor’s sake to fight and die, Lead on against the alien
Hats off!
Author Karl Wallace
 Philippines Flag. - Blue Part, - Peace, Happiness, Joy, Trust, and Justice.
- Red Part, - War, Patriotism, Defense, and Courage.
- Three Stars, - main geographical division, Luzon (Northern area), Visayas (Central area), and Mindanao (Southern area).
- The White kind of "unseen" piece, - Equality, kindness, and careness.
- 8 Rays of the sun, - symbolizes the first eight provinces that was declared by the Governor-General in "Estado de Guerra", 
When the Red is on top Philippines is on WAR
 When the Blue is on top Philippines is on PEACE


 hilippine Liberation Ribbon

Hat off! Along the street there comes a blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, and a flash of

color beneath the Sky: Blue crimson and white it shines, over the straight marching

lines the flag is passing by signifying the Seabee fights, the ocean fights, the grim and

great. Fought to save the Philippine Nation.  Weary marches and sinking ships, cheers of

victory on dying lips.

Hats off! The Philippine Flag is passing by. You are so grand in every fold, linked with

mighty deeds of old, Steeped in blood where heroes fell, torn and pierced by shot and


Hats off! Throats swells at the sight of you the flag is passing by. Days of glory, tears of

war keeps our Nation, great and strong, warding off dictators from foreign wrong. Pride,

glory, honor, live in the colors stand or fall. Salute the flag as it floats on high,

 Hats off!  Streaming a loft in the clear, blue sky, rippling, easing, tugging away, gay as

the sunshine, bright as day, throbbing with life. No one may mess with the flag of our country free.

Hats off!  The flag’s raised high; bare our heads as it passes by. We thrill with pride, and

our hearts beat fast and we cheer and cheer as the flag goes past—the flag that waves

for you and me—Flag of our country, Flag of the free!

Hats off!  What of the men who lifted you, Old Flag Upon the top of Luzon Hill, Who

crushed the Japs cruel will, mid shock and

roar and crash and scream, which crossed the Inland Sea. Who starved, who fought, who

bled, who died, that you might gloat in glorious pride nobly as you led the way.

Hats off! Your stars shine move on for liberty, your white stripes stand for purity

crimson color courage high, For Honor’s sake to fight and die, Lead on against the alien


Hats off!

Author Karl Wallace

 Philippines Flag. - Blue Part, - Peace, Happiness, Joy, Trust, and Justice.

- Red Part, - War, Patriotism, Defense, and Courage.

- Three Stars, - main geographical division, Luzon (Northern area), Visayas (Central area), and Mindanao (Southern area).

- The White kind of "unseen" piece, - Equality, kindness, and careness.

- 8 Rays of the sun, - symbolizes the first eight provinces that was declared by the Governor-General in "Estado de Guerra", or state of war, namely Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga Tarlac, and Manila (Morong).

- Sun, - Light. 

When the Red is on top Philippines is on WAR

 When the Blue is on top Philippines is on PEACE

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