Monday, July 16, 2012

Einstein’s Relativity

                                                      Einstein’s Relativity

      When I was a young man in the year 1947, I walked into the Wings Museum located in Upper New York. I had worked my way, up into the librarian’s second floor office where to my surprise Albert Einstein was giving a lecture on the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was the code word for the two atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan so as to end World War II.  It resulted from his theory of relativity that Energy is equal to Mass times the acceleration of Light Squared. I sat down and listened to his fascinating story, and noticed the buxom blond painted on the Enola Gay the B29 that dropped the atom bomb s big boy and little boy.

      Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919. At the time he stated that he was attracted to Elsa because she was so well endowed. He postulated that if you are attracted to women with large breasts, the attraction is even stronger if there is a DNA connection. This came to be known as:

                                                       The Theory of “Relative Titty"

      Karl Wallace    

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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