Thursday, July 19, 2012

The 4th of July Poem

After reading your profile, I think what l would like to tell you about me has to do with communicating.  I like to write books.  The more I write the more my writing improves, and the better I become when chatting. I’m both a fictional and non-fiction writer. Below I have included one of my poems I wrote called the 4th of July. Thanks for your response.  Karl

                                                                            The 4th of July
                                                        INDEPENDENC E DAY

Hats off! Along the street there comes a blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, a flash of color beneath the sky. Blue, crimson, white it shines, over the straight marching lines the flag is passing by signifying the  land and ocean fights, the grim and great, fought to save the Nation.  Weary marches and sinking ships, cheers of victory on dying lips.
Hats off! The US flag is passing by. You are so grand in every fold, linked with mighty deeds of old, steeped in blood where heroes fell, torn and pierced, by shot and shell.
Hats off! Throats swells at the sight of you, the flag is passing by. Days of glory, tears of war kept our Nation, great and strong, warding off dictators doing foreign wrong. Pride, glory, honor, live in the colors stand or fall. Hand on your heat as it floats by.
 Hats off!  Streaming a loft in the clear, blue sky, rippling, easing, tugging away, gay as the sunshine, bright as day, throbbing with life. Never lost a war or Democracy. Flag of our country, flag of the free.
Hats off!  The flag’s raised high; bare our heads as it passes by. We thrill with pride, and our hearts beat fast, we cheer and cheer as the flag goes past—the flag that waves for you and me—flag of our country, flag of the free!
Hats off!  What of the men who lifted you, Old Flag upon the top of Bunker Hill, who crushed the British cruel will, mid shock and roar and crash and scream, which crossed the Delaware shore to shore. Who starved, who fought, who bled, who died, that you might gloat in glorious pride as it passes by.
Hats off! Stars shine high for liberty, white stripes purity, crimson for honor’s sake. Fight and die, forever more, any time, any place, flag  of the free!
Hats off!
Author Karl Wallace

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

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