Sunday, June 30, 2013

Alexander the Great is Number 1...Poem

Alexander the Great is Number One

1. With gleeful celebration you were born
2. You crawled around like a monkey in the zoo
3. You turned the heads of all my royalty
4. In lonely woods the jasmine door turned
5. The bees shown bright on the Adrian hives
6. The deep heart of forest trees were sick
7. You were given powers from the heavenly gods
8. You were dressed in flowers at the Hellenic Gate
9. On your birthday all citizens dined on free wine
10. You captured the Bowling Race Trophy
11. You out spared the Seven Gate Guards men
12. You trained Alpha Omega a big black Arabian stallion
13. Aristotle, the greatest mind of his time, was your teacher
14. Your new teacher, Aristotle, was courting you
15. I noticed your taste for the unforeseen
16. The love you’ve gave your horse I savored
17. You dreamed of being King of a world empire
18. We fought together side by side as was tradition
19. You ruled my kingdom after I was murdered
20. As my replacement you ruled with conviction.
21. My death caused conquered kingdoms to rebel
22. Forward, on all the countries in the world conceded
23. The Persian Empire King Darius III, you killed
24. The Gordian Solution listed your contribution to history
25. King of Macedon you took down also rivals
26. You conquered India at the end of the word fulfilling your dreams
27. You developed many mechanical machines of death
28. You invented catapults, which hurled fifty pound stones
29. You introduced large arrows and burning balls of fire
30. You whipped the Persians and Huns once again
31. What next to do when suddenly free were you?
32. You died before turning thirty three.
33. My son is number one. 


US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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