Tuesday, April 10, 2012


                                                                        Lottie Hickenlooper

       My Mother Juliet Ward, Hickenlooper, Stringham was born August 10, 1904. Her mother and dad  
Ward owned a farm in Preston Idaho. There were six boys and 6 girls. Cyrus gave each of his
children a Job doing what each one did best and was the most talented at doing. My mother he
selected to be CEO of his enterprises, she was in charge of the two theaters in Preston the Isis and the
 Grand. When in school she would walk a mile to the theaters and organize the theater and go back
after school and organize more before walking back home after dark.
                She alone took care of the money, the candy counter, the piano player (silent movies in those
days), paid the bills and other incidentals.She was the only child to graduate from college and with a
master’s degree, which she obtained after my dad Karl Hickenlooper died.at the age of 42. I was 7
years old. Once again she walked a mile to the Weber College downtown campus so as to get a degree
in education.
To be continued...

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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