Monday, April 16, 2012



      You're married to a mother or were born by a mother or how else did you get here?  Dropped on a rock left in the sun to hatch-I believe it.    
       You don’t have to do anything to have a mother. You just pop out and before the doctor can count from 10 to 1 mother holding you with a big smile on her face. Hopefully, we showed up on time. From behind the curtain sean, having a baby is a hard physical and emotional experience, mothers are forgetful mothers … some of them have more than one.
       Instinct, mothers have instinct. Mothers don’t need advice when they deliver; they’re equipped with mother instinct.  It’s automatic. When you’re born you’re about the size of a banana squash, wailing, blue faced and get handed into their arms.  The code came to mothers one generation after another, from their moms, grandmas, great-grandmas and so on and on.  Mothers have learned well and are ready, because you get born not knowing crap, and I’m not talking diapers here. Diapers are in the next installment.
       My Mother Juliet Ward, Hickenlooper, Stringham  was born August 10, 1904. Her mother and dad owned                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          owned a farm in Preston Idaho. There were six boys and 6 girls. Her dad Cyrus Ward gave each of his children a Job doing what each one did best and  the most talented at doing. My mother he selected to be CEO of his enterprises, she was in charge of the two theaters in Preston the Isis and the Grand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
      When school was on she would walk a mile to the theaters and organize the theater then go back after school and work walking back home long after dark. She alone took care of the money, the candy counter, the piano player (silent movies in those days) paid the bills and other incidentals. She was the only  one of his children  to graduate from college. She  received a master’s degree, after my dad Karl Hickenlooper died. I was seven years old. Once again she walked a mile to the Weber College downtown campus in Ogdn, Utah so as to get a degree in education.

  To be continued...                                                                                                                                                          

 By Karl Wallace You may contact Karl Wallace at or by calling his editor at 801-605-8249

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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