Sunday, April 1, 2012


                                                                  BUILDING A HOUSE
A Small House
     Today I’d like to talk about building a house, one of the cheapest homes you can build. Live simply, inexpensively, in a 500 sq. ft. home, one step back from materialism.
     How much money does it take to live comfortably these days? It depends on many factors such as income, married, life style, interests, location, age and so on. An ultasimplicit life style is made if you live in a 500 sq. ft. two people 1 room home. There will be fewer books, shoes, TV’s, cars, people in the neighborhood. It’s not for everyone. Not if you have kids, but even a millionaire can live in one it boils down to simplicity as a mindset.

       One key is setting boundaries and narrowing choices as for example-short ingredients lists . Avoid getting lost in an abundance of choices such as which is the best of 30 brown shoes. Also consider this in big houses how many room are vacant while people gather naturally in one room.
         There will be more time to walk, volunteer, have stronger relations with loved ones, more time to appreciate what you have. Yes, and even time to expand like puting in a loft. Anyone can do it.
To be continued…
To read more Karl Wallace go to:

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