Saturday, March 31, 2012

Natalie’s Rescue Mission Short Story

          This is an English assignment using visial aids as told by Natalie to her Ogden Hi. English communication class.
      My mother dropped me off in front of the Saint Ann’s Rescue Mission located on 28th and Wall next to a dog food manufacture. “I walked in the front door about 6:30 pm and ask the lady at the desk if I could stay there over night, as I just got in town and only had 2 dollars.  She had me fill out a form saying were I had come from, my health and why, when and where stuff.
     Afterwards, she had me escorted up to the top floor where the women stayed. The women were very nice to me and offer to give me a bisque or two. Everyone slept on narrow mattresses; mine was at an open window facing the dog plant. I started to throw up but managed to cover my mouth and nose with my kerchief which helped, but still I couldn’t sleep. I was awake all night, and when the ladies started getting up I was told I would have to talk with a counselor before I could leave.
    I walked slowly, scared and carefully down the stairs to the first floor. I opened the bottom door and escaped out the front door. Then I became emotionally unsettled, what if any one who knew me saw me coming out of the mission among the bums and my filthy appearance.
            I picked up my pace and crossed Wall Ave. running for home as fast as I could go. After unning 4 blocks to Washington Blvd., I was exhausted. I saw a phone booth and called my mom to take me home for 2 days of rest and bathing.
Author Karl Wallace
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