Saturday, March 31, 2012


     My son Brian Wallace and his lovely wife Suzanne Wallace own and operate

Brian said, “The drop zone would be closed this week end because of high shire wins over 30 miles an hour. Winds such as that collapse to the ground can cause parachutes to collapse and blow sky diver outside the drop zone area. Also today the temperature is supposed to top 80 degrees never before recorded in the Month of March. The skydiving is looking good for next week Fi. Sat. Sun April 6,7,8.”

     Brian started skydiving when he was sixteen years old, while attending Bonneville High school in Washington Terrace, Utah. He would often sky dive into the Bonneville High football games. He was at that same time on the honor roll and Key Club President. He had a motorcycle which he rode to the “Cedar Valley” drop zone located on the west side of Utah Lake, usually leaving on Friday after school. He would spend Friday evenings, Saturday, and Sunday jumping then return home Sunday evening. He was addicted to skydiving.

     Right away, he bought all the necessary skydiving gear so he could jump at a reduced rate; not having to rent a parachute, altimeter, jump suit, helmet, and other equipment. Every spare dime he had was spent on skydiving: One, two parachutes and so on.  The addiction almost brought his college education, Electrical Engineering, to a standstill. He finally graduated at twenty-nine from Fresno State, California.

     He had a sales engineering job after graduation at “Heatcom” in the North Salt Lake satellite office (main office was located in Seattle, Washington).  Company. He was fired after two year for not doing the paper work or soliciting new customers, even though he was the top salesman in the company. Wouldn’t you know it, he was always skydiveing. Heatcom had to close the North Salt Lake Office shortly after they let Brian go however, because of lack of business.


     5-8 years old he won more motorcycle racing trophy’s at Bonneville Race Track, than anyone in his age group.

     Lowell Hayman started the Wasatch Front Little Football in 1953 in The City of Washington Terrace. He helped me coach Brian when Brian was 7 years old. We would always win. When Brian was 11 years old he quarter-backed the Washington Terrace 120 lb. winning the AAA Championship final playoff game in the  Weber State Football stadium. Mr. Hayman still lives in the Terrace.

     13 years old  a highway patrolman, who was also a hunter safety instructor gave Brian a ticket, and confiscated his 410 shot gun, because he was shooting doves out of season from off of the roof of my car on a on a main road, without a license, at Echo Junction. I was driving the car.

     16 years old two dozen teens from across Utah role played as legislators in Orem Utah. He was one of them.            

To be continued…                

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