Saturday, January 7, 2012


                         KARL WALLACE
                          HARVEST TIME
The chaff has been sorted Harvest time has gone                                                                                        The end of time has come The rapture day is near                                                                                     
I am heir to another kindom soon As I reminisce                                                                                           The former days of my life on Earth My leaving soon                                                                                      Is written in God’s book. 
The wheat turned yellow The millers have reaped                                                                                         The grain has been gathered They put it in the silos                                                                                        It’s not seen by me no more I soon will leave the beauty                                                                            The signs are everywhere One of his sheep will soon be gone                                                                      Is written in God’s book.

Will spread throughout the air The sun is softly setting.                                                                              Feel the shifting of the breeze The fields are turning golden                                                                    Hear the rustling in the trees Look to the skies for Jesus.                                                                            All things will be made new Your toil on earth is finished                                                                                Is written in God’s book.

Soon I’ll leave Put down my pen and writings.                                                                                          There is no need to fear Harvest time is over                                                                                                 My life has been a rainbow With only a bit of strife                                                                                  Today I count my blessings I’ve had a wonderful life.                                                                                      Is written in God’s book
To be continued…

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