Saturday, January 7, 2012


                                                                                               Karl Wallace                             
                                                                                 EASTER AND LENT and the Rain Man

       Easter which is now preceded by lent in early days was introduced by assttiinng on one ay only the Friday in Passion Week now

known as Good Friday by and by the time was extended to forty hours in do kei that Christ had lain that long in the tomb some 

centuries later this was exteennddeed to forty days in commemoration of the season of the temptation and I1 fast in the wilderness the

name Easter is probably derived from the Teutonic 0goddess offspring or 0 whose festival occurs about the same times the observance of

Easter Lent is derived from tile Anglo Saxon word lencdten which means spring and has no connection at all with fasting as some people

imagine it was not until the fourth century that there was any regularity about the fixing the date of Easter Sunday.  

     Those of the early Christians who believed the Christian Passover to be a commemoration of Christ’s death adhered to the custom of

holding the Easter festival on the day prescribed for the Jewish parch the fourteenth day of tile first month that is tile lunar month of  

which the fourteenth day either falls on or next after the day of the vernal equinox but most of the Christian churches attaching greater

importance to the day of Christ’s esurrectionI1held to Easter being celebrated on the Sunday which followed the fourteenth day of 

the moon of March the day on which Christ suffered this difference was finally settled by the council of nice in the 3 earth rule then

adopted is still in force Easter is always ttihee Sunday after the full moon which happens on or nee exist after March 21 the vernal  

Equinox by this arrangement Easter may come as early as March 22 or as late as April 30. 

       My brother lives next door to the Rain Man, the real Rain Man the one that lives in Orem, Utah. My brother John and Rain were

born more than fifty years ago, to be more exact in the year of 1940 on Easter Sunday in Orem, Utah in the same hospital and on the

same day. Rain Man was popularized by Dustin Hoffman in the movie by the same name. Dustin often came to Darley’s life authentic.

Darley was just a person until Dustin heard about his ability to solve math problems. Dustin, writers, producers, Tom Criuse and

others made the movie “Rain Man.”  The rest is history. Darley became wealthy from the success of the movie and has since been on

talk shows, and public appearances. He is still in his wheel chair and plans to be with John for a big 50 yr. B.D. celebration

 in Orem Utah on Easter.        

                On Easter Day

 We think of bunny rabbits and Easter eggs

Of grass covered hills where eggs roll down

The meadowlands with humming bees

We eat the eggs, throw the shells away

On Easter Day With love a rose

With a Crocus gladness goes  

And kind regards from the Daffodil

Concludes a message from the heart.

When the tulip says Love to you all

                       To be continued...

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