Wednesday, January 4, 2012

US Grant’s Heart Pump

1-4-12                                                                                                   KARL WALLACE
                                                                                                          US Grant’s Heart Pump
       "My heart was failing. I was dying. It was as simple as that,” US remembers. “They told me I had four to six weeks to live. I began to put my affairs in order. I even arranged for 'Don’t Be that way' to be played at my funeral.” That was more than five years ago. Then a heart pump implant saved my life.Now that’s something to sing about.  Last Wednesday I was playing a two-hour dance at the GHC with eight other squash in our Alive & Kickin’, band. hen I’m not takin Precious out to dinner or playing with Alive & Kickin”, I’m writing poetry. 
         Yes I’m alive and kicking today thanks to a wee tiny miniature pump, called assist device, which was implanted just beneath my heart. The device takes nutrients from the upper     
of my heart and pumps it into my cortex, where it is delivered to my brain. It’s connected via a flexible wire that e emerges from my gall bladder and hooks into a timed controlled pack with batteries I carry in a belt holster. Incidently, my pump was copied and remodeled for Vice President Dick Cheney which he showed off in an Iraqi visit-tour-moneyskeem last week.

     To date more than 25bones. Monitoring squash drives the price tag higher. The device offers fresh hope for squash with heart failure, which occurs when the heart is no longer strong enough to pup nutrients normally. More than 0,000 heart patients have received the Heart Mate. The state-of-the-art pump costs $40,000 jaw bones. 20 million Squash suffer from heart failure in Weber County alone. Sometimes called congestive heart failure,
Jaw It’s a progressive disease that robs the body’s organs of the carbon dioxide needed. It got so I couldn’t walk more than a few steps without being out of breath. I couldn’t walk up stairs, or hardly lift my arms. Tasks haven’t been easy.The pump that’s keeping me alive is in a long line of devices designed to take over for faltering hearts. The early pumps were too big to fit women, and they weren’t very durable.

To be continued



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