Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrate Karl Wallace's 80th

 Celebrate Karl Wallace's 80th with us on Memorial Day
 Monday May 26th

Family and Friends

We're having a party for Karl (AKA Wally)!  Please join us if you can for a visit, dinner, and a little cake.

Prairie Schooner Steak House
445 Park Blvd (just off Washington at 19th St.)
Ogden, UT 84401

Monday May 26th, Memorial Day.  2-5 PM.  Dinner served at 4:00
            Please come by even if you can't stay for the dinner.

Please RSVP with your dinner selections by May 19th, dinner and appetizers provided:      *Chicken Cordon Bleu
*Steak Medallions 
*Lemon Tilapia 
*Vegetarian Pasta

Mark Wallace
1536 Secrest Ct
Golden, CO 80401

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