Tonight is the night
I woke up this morning and realized it's Halloween.
Tonight the hills will untie their bonnet, the bobolinks
Will begin their song just as the sun goes down,
How the sun sets I do not know for I'm only seven
Years old and I haven't yet learned those sorts of things.
I will see a purple bridge with little yellow boys, girls pumpkins.
They will climb untill they reached the top of the bridge,
Then gently the evening stars will leed the day away.
Tonight is the night for trick or treating,
When sprits flit through the sky
When the docile moon wanders alone
When the wooly white clouds wander about.
Tonight is the night
When the north wind sweeps up leaves with clicking sounds,
When gnomes scamper into their underground homes,
When spooks and trolls creep out of green mossy holes,
When lizards look about glass eyes fixed with stony stares,
When pumpkins recently cut off the vine now are jackolanterns.
Tonight is the night
When pumkins sit behind windows with candles shinning,
When children and pumkins see spooks and witches, everywhere,
When the white fang werewolfs howl through out the night,
Tonight is the night my friends I'll meet with their costumes on,
Tonight is the time to trick or treat.
Tonight is the night
Monsters, ghosts and, skeletons dance spookley about.
Apples and free candy will be in my brown sack
As I shiver down the street, with cold blue hands
To the next house that looks like it gives lots of treats.
My four family pumpkins will stay up late tonight.
Sitting on the step on my front porch.
The youngest one will probably say, "Oh my, it's late."
The next oldest I suspect will say, "I don't care."
The third one will maybe say, "I see witches in the air."
The oldest will say, "I'm ready for trick or treaten."
Then whoooossshh with the wind, out goes the lights,
My dad will holler.
The four scared pumpkins will run, run, run, run into our house,
With their hats whooped up on lifted hair, they won't stop to stare.
With smiling faces that do not sulk, four pumpkins sing,
All night long, "The world's a happy place where everyone
Big or small should dance, sing, hum a tune on Halloween.
Tonight is the night."
Karl Wallace
To read more Dr. Wallace go to: KarlWallaceblog.blogspot.com
To read more Dr. Wallace go to: KarlWallaceblog.blogspot.com