Wednesday, July 11, 2012


                                                        MARIA MARTINEZ FALLS

       I came as the reporter of stories of interest for the Ogden Standard Examiner to talk with MariaMartinez. It was a Tuesday morning the third day after her fall.  I knocked on her door.She opened her door. I faced short dark complexion women. Her face supported a swollen nose that gave her a look of an oversized piglet’s tail. Her dark black hair hung down around her face, and smelled of rancid butter. Her loose fitting clothes hung on as they do for people who take from dumpsters, or perhaps it was her replacement outfit, while waiting for something better to get back from the laundry. She liked garlic—I knew that when she said, “Good Morning.” Her black eyes searched me for nearly a minute, and then she said, “Follow me; I’ll show you where it happened!”   She started down a long dark hallway—I wentshuffle stepping carefully following the garlic. Presently, she stopped. Apparently we were standing at the launching point of her stairway accident. Her add in the out singles section l; “Ogden Standard Examiners” after she came home from the hospital it says it all. Word for word.
     “I tripped and fell down a flight of stairs landing flat on my face on my concrete basement floor. Most gentlemen want to see a current picture in want ads. This photo was not taken twenty or thirty years ago. This picture was taken the day I fell down my basement stairs.”                               

                                                           Taken after the fall
      Some ladies pay a fortune for collagen injections to plump up their lips but I got a fat lip without paying a dime. On top of that, I got a nose job and a face peel as a bonus free of charge. If you ever want a face make-over, I highly recommend this economic method. All you have to do is fall down seemingly unending stone steps, and skid across the concrete on your  nose                                                       

             Taken before the fall, I derived renewed vigor from the contemplation of this picture

ABOUT ME: Attractive 60 year-old woman in Ogden, Utah, looking for a gentleman 33 years to 89 living within 3,000 miles of Ogden.
Height: 4’10 ½” Body type slim, hair bloody red today, black tomorrow,                                         Residence: Still an Illegal   immigrant                                                                                                           Looks: Need improvement                                                                                                                             Education: Some                                                                                                                                  Occupation: Unemployed. Reason: left leg  tibia & fibula broken                                                                Income: I’d rather not say because of the above                                                                             Language: : Spanish some crude English                                                                                                              Religion: Catholic, but not serious                                                                                                                     Relationship status: Every thing’s calm. 2 Children, one at home until I mend                                          Smoking: socially, drinking daily since the fall.                                                                                                                                                                        Who I would like to meet: If you are breathing-let's talk

Want to chat?  My email is:   Tel upon request. (Reply now before it's too late.)  If not interested? Send me a polite "No, thanks. I'm not interested.”  Then please pass it on to someone you know that might want to date a love bird.
WOULD LIKE MY MAN TO:  Take me to Hawaii, Take me see Neil Diamond, and Elton John, Take me on a Cruise of more than 3 days, Take me to KC Steak House,                                                        

Favorite movies: The Jerk- Steve, Martin. South                                                                                               I like to: Entertain, as an “Entertainer,” I'm into all kinds of things. We really should start talking!

Personality: My personality makes me a “Fearless Leader.” Get the two of us together and our friends will say we're an excellent couple.

Communication: My communications style a “Conversationalist,” which means you and I should have some excellent conversations!

Romance: I'm a charismatic romantic, and you know what that means, the red carpet treatment, and some excellent va-va-va-voom!!!

Commitment: When it comes to commitment, I'm definitely a “Great Catch,” we'd make excellent music, just as soon as I get on my feet.

Don’t forget I have another Face.    Hoping to hear from you S.A.P.

Foot Note: Maria Martinez’s plight went out on Twittered, Face book and UPI. She has received several encouraging emails, and is hopeful for a commitment or a dinner invitation soon. Additionally she has a portrait appointment next month.

KARL WALLACE: To read more Karl short stories go to:

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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