Sunday, April 29, 2012

Don't Buy a Hot Water Bottle at Wal-Mart

                        Sunmark Deluxe Water Bottle smooth’s cramp pain warm or cold application
                                          Buying a hot water bottle at Wal-Mart $10.00 no tax added.

      Way back in the back north east corner far corner of the Pharmacy. Not a big item and few people know what a hot water bottle is. Only the a few of us very senior citizens have used them at grand maws’s. When you were a little kid Grand maws put them in your bed when it was time to go to sleep so as to keep your feet warm.
    This is a true and very embarrassing story, that happened two days ago during rush hour ( 5:30 pm). People walking buy staring at me, and the items in my shopping cart. I hid my head as best I could.
Contents in shopping cart: Prunes,Dark wheat bread, Soy milk, Puffs,Rectal fad Stag, Viagra, Milax for conspation, 5 Hersey almonds chocolate bars                                                      
   The security guard boy was smiling and happy over the humiliating experience. He said for instance as he laid out each item for everyone to see… laughing loudly, you seem to like chocolate. Finally it was over you can leave now. Have a good evening. I left without a word.
I went back the next day to get his name so I could report him to the better business bureau but I couldn’t find him.
I would recommend everyone go to Walgreens if they are looking to buy a deluxe rubber hot water bottle.

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