Sunday, April 1, 2012


        I called Scott’s home a few minutes ago.  He is very busy either working or playing, so I left a message for him to call me when he had a free minute. He likes to camp out on the North fork of the Ogden River, or watch movies in his trailer this time of year in Saint George or if he is doing work for the IRS he is often in Washing ton DC. He generally answers me back in three or four days as I said, because he is so busy. I’ll post what’s what’s what at that time.                      
        Scott has taught me all I know about the IRS and then some. His working toward his Accounting Degree began when he was attending Ogden High School in Ogden, Utah. He started working at the IRS Western Center on 12th Street when he was sixteen years old. He was attending Ogden High School and was on the honor roll. At the same time he was attending Weber University. His BS in accounting from Weber University was received while living in a duplex on Eccles Avenue.                        

      I noticed how well Scott was liked by the people at the IRS when he was attending Weber University. Part of his daily curriculum was to work around young people with disabilities. When he would arrive at work, the young disabled individuals would be waiting outside the building to say “good morning.”  
          He was the fastest typist at Grandview Elementary. One fine day his typing teacher called my house and told my wife Joelene how much she enjoyed having him in her class. That happened not once but often. He was only twelve. "She must have a crush on him, I thought," which produced a very high concentration of heat at our house. It was much-like a magnifying glass, only it’s a reverse curve.  “Let his typing teacher call our house every other day I told my wife, go  ahead let him take type, see if I care.  I’m not buying him a typewriter to practice on.”
     This actually was the period in time when Scott blossomed into success. It was also the time when he became a future Eagle Scout and the moment he used to generate usable solar energy. Furthermore, it was the moment he became a future Eagle Scout, and a champion football offensive end for the South Ogden Wasatch Front Little league football team.
     Shortly after the typing experience, he got a job with the IRS and the rest is history. He graduated at the age of twenty-six from Weber, as he was steam rolling on the road system at the IRS to presently be a GS 15 division manager working out of Washington D..C.He went on to win the Ogden High School Science Award and received the first place blue ribbon award. He began entry level opening mail full time, while working on his high school college degree and part time at Sills Café in Layton.*He was made a permanent full-time employee after a three-month trial period at the IRS. Given a step grade raise to a 6, he moved to the sorting mail department, never side stepping. Scott caught the eyes of several departments’ managers as a person well liked.    
 To be continued...   To see more Karl Wallace short stories go to:

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