Saturday, January 14, 2012

All I ever knew about Soft Ware l learned from my son

         All I ever knew about Soft Ware l learned from my son                                                                           

         My son, Jeff Wallace has taught me all I know about software and then some. He started

working toward his software future at Ogden High School in Ogden, Utah. He joined the navy the

navy after graduating from high school and subsequently received a BS degree in Engineering by

taking classes on  line from the University of Arizona while in the Navay. After four years in the

navy computer he applied  for a job and accepted at Baxter International Corp head-quartered in

Tampa, Florida.
      He received his BS degree while living in a home he was buying in the Pan Handle of Florida,

while raising 3 kids and driving to work each day, working full time, the length of Florida. Why he

didn’t buy a home in Tampa so as to save eight hours driving time and not to mention the expence

I didn’t know. He just did.

      He was a good home owner and remodeled his home top to bottom, end to end.  He was

remodeling while attending getting his on line BS degree. 
     He presently is self-employed and lives in Tampa. He plans to move with his beautiful wife

Chantelle Wallace  with their three children to the St. Thomas, the Virgin Islands, in the Caribbean in

July of this year.
     He loves his wife, his two boys and daughter, swimming, job, and challenges; he talks well
listens, is intelligent and persistent.
        I noticed how well Jeff was liked by his clients when he was attending the Ogden High. Part of

the curriculum was to work in a day care center for young people with disabilities.  When he would

arrive at work the patients would be waiting out side the building to saw good morning Jeff. Most

days that he was assigned to day care center, the patients get to go to an event. There were
two mini-vans and he would be the driver of one of the vans. On one particular day I gave him a ride
 to the care center. The event was a to a hockey game at the Salt Palace. As usual, all the patients ran
 for the front van that she was driving filling it up with about sixteen people the ones that didn’t
make it in time to get to his bus had to get on the other bus parked behind.   Jeff is a goal- oriented
and self-motivated person. As his junior year of high school ended he had all his credits required for
 graduation. He attended Weber State University and earned 36 credit hours,  while maintaining a

4.4 GPA.
     During his three years of high school he was extremely active. He participated in Varsity sports,

such  as volleyball, softball, swim team and drill team. In some of these activities He was chosen for
leadership positions such as captain of the volleyball team, softball MVP assistant advisor of the drill
team. He was also in the German club and chosen to be a peer leader. Academically he took
challenging classes and graduated with a 4.8.
       His favorite hobby and sport is snowboarding. He taught snowboarding classes for three years at
Powder Mountain when he was attending Weber University. When he applied to major in marking at
Weber he wrote. He had a job with K-Construction fin the summer for six years. He wrote he learned
to run the business, from book keeping, ordering parts, to handling tenant’s problems. This brings
me to my great interest in business. I plan to succeed in this field and eventually have my own
enterprise. I’ve already shown I can do well in school, and with my determination I know I will rise to
 the top in the business world.    
                                                                              Credits:                                                                                         Took first place Trophy when 5 years old at piano recital, but they made him give it back, (just kidding.) at the Ogden city library .                                                                                                                                                                          • 7th Grade he was the fastest runner boys and girls and had the highest grade point average.                                                                                                                                                                       Ogden High fresh man baseball team  won honoree best baseball batter voted by his coach, and news media.                                                                                                                                                                B.S. Marketing Degree from University of Utah.                                                                        Everything seems to be going well in Tampa, no hurricanes or oil well explosions.  
To be continued...

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