Thursday, May 15, 2014

U.S. GRANT is a Star at "Who BU video"

                                                                         ABOUT U.S. GRANT 
         My name is Ulysses S. Grant. I’m a banana squash, a native banana squash, retired, intelligent if I do say so. love airplanes. I'm a Star at "Who BU video where I sit on a kitchen counter, and taunt whatever vegetable, fruit, or unlucky edible that gets set near me. I heckle the other guy with questions and crack lame jokes. I cackle at them in a shrill voice until, tragically, a human hand slices my new friend with a butcher knife before everyone’s eyes, and then is eaten by the cook. On one episode a dozen humanoid eggs, watch in horror from their carton, as a human cracked and fried an egg.  In another episode, a watermelon had a face supplied digitally, with a new one being carved on his backside Halloween like, while the guts seeds, and rime were  sucked out in a swoosh with a vacuum hose. Before the ends comes, I pester the other food characters on the counter with adolescent jokes. "Hey, Apple! You look fruity."  If there's no other fruit or vegetable around, I sit on the counter top lamenting how bored I am, rolling my tongue around, and making faces. Children love it, the food Channel Comcast 402 gets a high Nielsen rating, and I earn a living.   I would be a good marketing chairman for a customer advertiser corporation as I can talk with humans anywhere in the world.  I can also accurately communicate with black birds. I don’t like dogs, hate dogs, but I do enjoy talking with cats, and I can accurately communicate with beasts and some plants. 

      This Tall Tale,is about my life at home.  I live at Hill Air Force Base in Roy, Utah in Hanger 210 in the back room.  I love to talk to the museums gift shop’s part time cashier  by the name of Pat (Patsy) Curtis, who also moonlights as a secretary for  Dick Rainy, the fund raising Chairman of the Republican Party. The hanger doors and the side doors are closed at 5 p.m.  That's the time I can start having fun. After the visitors leave. The building is filled with World War I - II  and several other vintage planes that date all way back to Kitty Hawk,  and the Wright Brothers. It is home to the best +fighter plane of World War II, the American P51 Mustang.  

             Last Sunday my wife Passion and I went to church. I was dressed in a conservative black skirt and jacket with white trim. 

To be continued…
To read more KARL WALLACE go to:

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US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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