Reunion Update 4-14-13
50 year Dental Class reunion
Hello all, and Karl Wallace Too
I’m eagerly
awaiting my upcoming 50th year reunion Friday May 17th in Chicago. I have heard
some guys may not attend because they are unhappy with their appearance or some
infirmity. Most of us could lose a few
pounds and gain more hair. So what!
We're not the only ones in our age group with infirmities.
My reunion in
May is to be held in the secure, upscale Oak Brook area. We can bring our knee,
hip, and shoulder replacements, dentures, wigs, canes, walkers, oxygen supplies,
etc. without fear of being hijacked and stripped for body parts. Speaking of
the beautiful venue, it is located in the lovely appointed "Q" room
at the Hyatt Lodge (RONALD MC DONALD HEADQUARTER) IS McDonald University at
2815 Jorie Blvd. in Oak Brook. (ABOUT 150 miles south west of Chicago.). If
driving at night we have the room reserved from 11:30 AM, for arrivals, until 4
PM. A delicious, peanut-free lunch has
been selected for those with allergies, to be served around 12:30 and later
there will be group and class photos taken that. There will be a cash bar for
spirits and soft drinks.
You will not
want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime fun event. My mailing address is P.O. Box
10484, Ogden, UT 84401 Phone#801-476-8255.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions as I love talking to
you guys and look forward to seeing you, and any lovely ladies, on May 17th.
Lu Antonici