Sunday, February 10, 2013


                                                  KINFOLKS AT THE DESERTED CABIN

        When I first began to understand crow language correctly, there was an incident that happened across the street in a log house that sits on the rise just above the Weber River in Weber County, Ogden, Utah.  The log house has been empty ever since as long as I can remember. It has a plank roof, nothing between the plank roof and a dirt floor, just one room no more, no windows

       There are big red army ants inside and out. In the exuberantly dour understory, the spotted ant bird is to stare at the dirt floor. If you don’t tuck in your pant legs As soon as the ants start streaming across the room you know trouble is afoot on many, many feet actually... You know this partly because 36 seconds after stepping into the room you see a raiding column of female ants on the hunt for prey, trailing behind or the male inceptions. Clearly this is not going to have a happy ending. These are predatory ants fast numerous, and they are living the purpose-driven life, the purpose being to kill some termites for lunch. Sure enough within a few minutes a thousand termites bite the dust. Next up Soybean aphid scouting.  To protect against chiggers and ticks, you will end up a color plate in the textbook of dermatology. At all hours you can step into a swarm of the red army ants boiling out across the floor and even underneath marching around. 

     Step back out of the swarm, and start looking for the characteristic flitting and popping of the thrush-size ant bird, listen for its vibrato peeee-ti peewee, because whenever there are big red army ants out on a hunting raid, puckish Ant Birds are sure to follow, they have good binoculars watching and recording insect with their camera eyes making orphanage there after never seen in church crossing a landscape life in a gutter can thrive in less than pristine urban water flows and the Hornworm too which is exactly what it sounds like.. In the entry way a horrifying number of parasitic wasp larvae, tiny translucent wormy thing tunnel through the skin of their host, a tomato horn worm, a large, green caterpillar that if it hadn’t been eaten from the inside out, would have grown up to be a Carolina sphinx moth.   No music is necessary for all of this to ruin your lunch but the cheery Latin brass and drums do enhance the pageantry of parasitic infection.

      But if you stumbled upon this site by mistake, of course, the availability of exterminators might be comforting. The Ace Ext Company does promise same day service. They skim off a percentage of the ant’ labor by snatching up grasshoppers, beetles, and other leftovers of the predatory red ants. It’s the reversal of the convention notion of parasites as being little, tacky things that plague large poorly dressed hosts. Here the big vertebrates are being killed off by insects a fraction of their size.  And the parasitic strategy is so irresistible that according to research in the Bug journal the Spotted Ant Bird antics just may be taking it professional all the way to the Hall Of Fame. Whereas the species has traditionally opted for a mixed approach, filching from ant swarms and also finding food on its own-makes it increasingly dependent on army ants to scare up their every meal.

      From the beginning the cabin has had quirks, like an outhouse, a three setter with a mini hole for a child, and a knot hole in the center of the roof where you could dangle a hand down in it and scare the heck out of guests.

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US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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