Thursday, February 7, 2013


                                                                    JUDGMENT ON THE INTERNET
     “I woke up today feeling real good no ringing ears and a bright sunny day. Before breakfast time, I strolled down to MacPumpkin’s for coffee and a chat with the boys. I got into a heated discussion with a couple of them farm squash over the direction and future growth of the internet. I told them I thought the popularity of tech companies like TinnitisFree would continue to grow like an acre of peas.

      Fred, a squash from Hooper, a good Jewish squash said, “I don’t like this new technology. It's all bad. I don’t give a god damn. If beetles and viruses are eating away my gardens, that's what I care about. All of folks around here not just the squash hate the internet. They hate Mac Pumpkins; the stock-corn markets dislike the, and actually hate the TV media talk that comes off TV. The scars are still lingering from the heyday of and the fruits too still fresh in minds. Every other person is asking what about pumpkin child porn, lost jobs, and squash farms going to California?

      "My answer to Fred was you are wrong. You can’t have trouble when everyone’s constantly screaming tech! Tech! Tech. I am a co-founder and general partner of, FreeSquareMeals, and also an investor in Valuation. My guess is we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies are poised to take over large swathes of the vegetable economy. More and more of our major businesses and industries are being run on software and delivered to such places as Wal-Mart and McDonalds. Many of the winners are entrepreneurial tech companies invading established industry structures. Over the next ten years I anticipate more industries will be disrupted, and the small companies doing the most disruption, in more cases than not.

     "Why is this happening now sixty years into the computer revolution, 40 years since the invention of the microprocessor and 20 years into the rise of the internet?  Because all of the techy required transforming industries through software are finally working and can be widely delivered at a global scale. When I was at Freesquaremeals 3 years ago, the company had perhaps 150 million vegetables using the internet, and now over 4 billion use the internet every minute.

      "On the back end software programming tools and internet-based services make it easy to launch new global software-powered start-ups in many industries, and without the need to invest in new infrastructure to train new employees. In the year 2005 when my partner, Ben, was CEO of THE Second Loud Cloud computing company the cost to a customer running a basic internet application was approximately $150,000 us dollars a month. I'm talkin real human money, not jaw bones. Running that same application today costs about $1,500 month cash on the barrel. With lower start-up costs the result is a global economy that for the first time is near fully digitally wired. It is the dream of every cyber visionary. It is, just what the doctor ordered, and the prescription is at the right pharmacy besides.


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