Sunday, February 24, 2013

Arbor Day In Ogden

                                                                         Arbor Day In Ogden                                                                      

        It is Arbor Day, the tree day, April 30, 2011 when, in many states of our county, children come together, and adults too, to plant trees. Nearly 150 years ago—to be more exact, in the year 1872, the State of Nebraska set aside a day for the planting of trees. Over 30 countries now celebrate this day.
          The Ogden Nature Center: Families are invited to Celebrate Arbor Day with special Arbor Day programs for children, all ages, and their families. Come and learn about the many species of trees,  the stages in the life of a tree,  and how to identify trees and the ways that humans and wildlife benefit from trees. Check-in is at 9 a.m. How A new tree planted may become a mighty oak.                                             Take a walking tour.

      There will be a tree care demonstration and participants will be invited to take an active role in helping the environment by planting native trees, shrubs or grasses. The day’s events include a photo contest, a children’s poster contest, exhibits and activities. Businesses such as Valley View Nursery, Arbor Artists and The Care of Trees will be on hand to teach proper tree-care techniques, and children can construct wooden crafts provided by Home Depot.     

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