Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Down On My Knees

                                                     Dental School Application

March 21, 1957

1O97 Denver Street

Salt Lake City, Utah 85502

Loyola School of Dentistry University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois


          I am extremely interested in entering dental school in the fall of 1957. In my previous three years of

college I was careful in selecting classes to satisfy the pre-dental requirement of your school. I will

graduate from the University of Utah with a Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry June 1957.

I suddenly became interested in dentistry at the time I started college. Almost from the first

moment, nothing was more fascinating and marvelous than the way in which my mind advanced from

weakness to power, from clumsiness to accuracy, from the limited to the embracing view. With this

array of mental development and my very dexterous hands, I knew that no matter how complex the

problems, I would eventually become a quality dentist.

      My schooling will be financed by mother and my summer earnings. Realizing that school will be

expensive, I have agreed, upon my uncle’s insistence, to accept money from him if necessary. Also my

Brother-in-law, Dr. M.L. Coburn, a graduate of Loyola class of ’53, has offered his assistance.

If you find my qualifications acceptable, I am certain I will pursue the full four years of dental school

with devoted concentration. Along with the will to learn, and the ambition to become a dentist, I will live

and support the high cultural, ethical and moral values of the Loyola Dental University.



Karl Wallace

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

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