Monday, January 14, 2013

On being an Atheist or a Christian

                                                To be an Atheist or a Christian

     Rev. Thom Goldsmith of the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City looks at it in his way. “We have a whole congregation full of skeptics, but the truth is, when it comes to death, nobody is an expert. All the experts are dead, and they haven’t come back. Since nobody is an expert that leaves use all vulnerable to figuring out what is on the other side. Reaching out to spirits may not be impossible, I’m not going to put it past the realm of possibilities that mediums can get in touch with the spirits of the dead. I harbor my doubts, but I leave the door of possibility narrowly open. We Unitarians all have and point that there is not a traditional blueprint that there is an ‘up there’ and a ‘down her,’ but there is a sense of something that lingers in some metaphoric, poetic sense that is immortal. If you don’t believe in the Pearly Gates of Heaven and St. Peter holing his late to admit you, it doesn’t mean you don’t believe in an afterlife.”

     Atheist Joe Waters said, "Many people don’t believe in global climate change, evolution or that President Barack Obama was born in America. They do however; believe in astrology, angels, virgin birth, a God with a long white beard, whom they thank when winning an Emmy and the ability to cure homosexuality through prayer.
     "Our animal cousins like the dolphins can actually learn to use an IPod. An octopus can build its own house, birds sing complicated melodies. Parrots can remember as many as a thousand words. Monkeys can be taught sign language, how to drive a car and smoke cigarettes. Dogs, which possess the intellectual capacity of a three-ear-old child, can understand more than fifty words.
      The Evolution Theory, the Big Bang Theory, Our Animal Cousins, have never been proven wrong , which is more than the Immortal after Life Believers can say."

Still....As stated above, when it comes to death, nobody is an expert. All the experts are dead, and 

they haven’t come back.

Dr. KARL WALLACE D.D.S. To read more Karl Wallace stories go to:

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