Wednesday, January 9, 2013


       A New YEARS TOAST

Let’s all raise a glass to better times.

The past year was a curse,                                                                                                 Adding up the fears so many                                                                                                      
Has a lot that is best forgotten
Bush, Gore, Enron too,                                                                                                             Sub-prime loans, and Madoff’s crimes.

Crisis has become the norm,                                                                                                   Don't hold your breath for tax  reform,                                                                                   Congress may vote to raise taxes,                                                                                             Fix the schools, help Sandy people too,                                                                                      When the where-with-all can be found.

The Democrats have lost some seats,                                                                                        Despite their legislative feats,                                                                                                  Possibly along the way they,                                                                                                   May acquire more vertebrae,                                                                                                        Or succumb to red state lobster.

Will Obama restrict the filibuster?                                                                                            Used in fights to save the South it’s civil rights,                                                                        The Republican empire now lies in shards,                                                                               Who knows whats in the cards?                                                                                                The outside candidates want respect.

Do not bet for any reason                                                                                                         On a stellar basketball season.                                                                                                   The NBA will for sure in 2013                                                                                                  Want increased salaries for                                                                                                        Their tall men who wear big shoes.

Baseball is another story,                                                                                                     Brought Weber State a lot of  glory.                                                                                             The players bat they hustle too,                                                                                               Sanders start was heady                                                                                                            Thanks to Kasey and to Stacy.

Football turned back the clock                                                                                                   When Ron McBride retired last season,                                                                                      John Smith returned to be head coach                                                                                    Things went bad as his coaching got worse,                                                                                 Let’s all drink to better times.

Football was great throughout the state,                                                                                      Utah did good their fan will cheer                                                                                             The quarter back next year.                                                                                                     Utah State and BYU did very well                                                                                             The girls wrestling teams in all the schools.

Did very well                                                                                                                           All us men hope, hope, hope                                                                                                         They will wrestle in Their short, short,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Short,shorts    

This year.
Let’s all drink to better times.


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US GRANT - Partial First Edition

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US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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