Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Thanksgiving day Gorilla short story

                                                         Thanksgiving Day

A lion trainer and his two gorillas at Weber County childrens hospital wards.

     One fine day in 1962, I dropped into the costume shop on  27th and Washington with my five and seven year old boys looking for suitable Thanksgiving cosuoms. After running wild upstairs and down for an hour or two the boys settled on being gorillas. They picked out a circus trainer costum for me.

     We descided to give candy to the kids in hospitals wards. We started at the old Saint Benidicts Hospital at the end of 29th. I parked my pickup and before I knew it the gorillas had jumped out with their bags of candy and were  heading for the front door as fast as their little feet would go--be lineing it for the childrens ward on the second floor.

      By the time I got in the building, one of the Nuns said they were in the children ward. I was the trainer, as said before, about half way down the hall, when the little gorillas passed me by going out  out the exit after burners on, into the pickup, baging up for the next hospital Mckay Dee. Hurry dad one of them said with a mouth full of tootsie roll.

to be continued.


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