Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Times are exit times                    
July 24            West Jordan arena                    8:05pm (Osmond show)

 Aug 3 & 4 Heber Rodeo :                       Dusk
Weber State Football games                          Varies

Aug 31 Antelope Is.  Balloon Fest                  Noon

Sept 6,7,8,9,16   Utah State FAIR

July 31, 2012 Utah State 24th of July 
My youngest son, Brian and his wife own a skydiving business in Ogden, Utah. The Utah State holiday is the 24th of July. Brian jumped out of his plane with Merrill Osmond (the oldest Osmond). The event will be on national TV tonight, the 31st of July. Or you can go to and see the event... Or Paul McCartney was there they are best friends, and you can see it on his web site. Brian said he jumped 3 nights in tandem with Merrill.  It was called “The Valley of Fire Concert,”  The Osmond’s are Mormons and they do the show every year to celebrate Brigham Young  and the pioneers entering the SALT LAKE VALLEY on July 24th 1847.
Or you can go to Brains web site and see the event:  SKYDIVE OGDEN.COM

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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