Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Plane Crash In Ogden

                                             Plane crash at the Ogden Inkley airport.

     My second oldest son Brian was standing on the tarmac in front of his hanger, at the Ogden airport May 24th, when he saw a low flying single engine plane preparing to land with its wheels up. He knew he wouldn’t have time to warn the pilot over the radio so he jumped into his pickup truck he was standing next, and drove toward where the spot the plane would be when it stopped.  He was taking pictures with his telephone as he drove. When he arrived at the plane the pilot said, “What should I do?”

     Brian said, “Are you hurt?”

     The pilot said, “No.” Brian then said,

      “Did you shut off the gas?”


      “Shut off the gas and get out of the plane.”

       Brian then called the Federal Aviation. The plane remained on the run way for four hours while the FAA investigation to place.  Estimated damage at the time was $7,500.00.

      Finally the plane a 180Cessna was removed from the run way and sky diving continued until dark.       Brian‘s remarked. I wish I would have thought to call the news Chanel 4 their 10 PM interest story of the day.

      The pilots name is eighty year old Aaron Farr of Farr’s Jewelry here in Ogden. Utah. There was a little confusion still to be investigated; such as communication with the control tower, a change in the normal flight pattern and so on and so forth.
Karl Wallace
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