Monday, June 4, 2012

Fathers Who Didn’t Have A Dad

             Fathers DAY
There’s no sweeter mystery than a son.
You hold him, fast asleep in your arms,
Wonder what he’s dreaming
At play his imagination takes him
Someplace you can’t quite follow.

 His interests, talents take shape,
You can only guess what he’s thinking.
You look at the man he’s grown up to be.
Amazing  how everything came
 Together to make him who he is.

 You see in him much you hoped for,
So much you never could have dreamed
 It’s all a part of your love for him.
It’s all part of why you’re so proud
To have him for a son on Father’s Day.

 He’s smart, successful, independent  too,
 Like a golf ball he mostly fly’s right,
It’s flights voyage never boring
 It’s not just heredity.
Nagging had something to do with it too.  

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

I've pulled together some of my most popular content into a book. Here's a first look for all my followers:

US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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