Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poems/Civil War                                                  

I was a Barmaid in a Country Town

I learned of misery and sin,

At the White Horse Inn.

One fine day a biker walked in.

He looked me up and down,

Ordered a beer and guzzled it down.

He was the man that ruined me.

Shattered my hopes for a life.

Of good living, kind giving.

Tall good looking not settled down.

He raced the roads with me behind.

On the highways and byways, far from home,

Did to me things my daddy said never let be.

He asked me for his neckerchief.

 he asked me for his coat.

And me, a foolish young maiden.

Jumped into bed to keep him warm,.

Thinking it no harm.

Eight months later

We hit a bump and he left me there.

If you have a daughter bounce her on your knee.

But if you have a son,

Put the little bastard on a hog.

Push him down the road.

Like my daddy did to me.

Author Karl Wallace

US GRANT - Partial First Edition

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US Grant - Chapters 1-3

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