Friday, March 16, 2012



     George Foreman is one of the hardest hitters in boxing history, a two-time former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Olympic gold medalist. After notable fights against Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali, Foreman retired and became a Christian minister and a businessman, touting his famous fat-reducing George Foreman grill. He has ten children including five sons. All of his sons are named George. All my sons are named George Foreman. They all know where they came from. – George Foreman.
      George was born January 10, 1949, Marshall, Texas. He twice was the world heavyweight champion (1973–74, 1994–95). When Foreman regained the heavyweight title at age 45, he was the oldest world heavyweight champion ever.
     Foreman grew up in Houston, Texas. He learned to box in a U.S. Job Corps camp at Weber Basin Job Corp. located at the mouth of Weber Canyon.My secretary Jennet Dalton called him a “nice boy.” In those days, the 60’s, he and other Job-Corps recruits came to my office Wednesday mornings, my house on holidays, where my wife Barbara would cook a fancy meal. He was tall, good looking and polite. A colorful personality in the world of boxing, Foreman had great success at Weber Basin where he learned to box. He won Golden Gloves, Olympics, never losing any fight.

Author Karl Wallace

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