Sunday, March 18, 2012



                       Easter Day 

Its Easter time, the breath of spring

 With woodsy tang, new life is everywhere,

Its Easter time all the sleeping plants are waking,

The flowers peep from darkened tombs

Sing the flowers everywhere.

 It’s Easter Day.

Roses are sighs of love,

Crocuses are for gladness goes,

Kind regards come from the Daffodils.    

Tulips conclude, with love

To everyone.

On Easter Day.     

Meadow larks and robins

In joyful play, swing on boughs

And trill in ecstasy

To show their joy and

And welcome Easter,

On Easter Day. 

Run little brook run, run to the ocean Spring has began

The brooklets leap from rock to rocks,

Pick up the meadow sounds, the hymn of the pines

An echo rings out where the waterfall shines,

Run little brook sing the flowers everywhere.

The delicate harebells, the violet red mountain rosebuds.

With magic touch o’er mountain side and glen,

Run little brook, carry the perfume from the

 Lily that woke, when the morning turned gray.

 Run to The twisting moonbeam adrift on the bay,

Carry the city, the mountain bird’s glee,

Carry the joy of the hills to the sea

It’s Easter Day.                                                                                                                   

What shall I wear for Easter?

 A dress the color of marmalade

With a border embroidered in blue flowers

Like the edge of a meadow after spring showers

A matching hat round as a top you can spin

And elastic to hold it on under my chin                                                                  

And brand-new shoes whiter than new cream

With heart-shaped, golden buckles that gleam’

I’ll carry a purse of butterfly blue

With a penny for me and a penny for you

To buy us both a glass of cold lemonade

As we walk, hand in hand, on Easter Day

I met the Easter Bunny on Easter morn

Before the cocks were crowing, a bob-tail bunny

And asked where are you going?

"Tis in the house and out the house-a-tispy, tipsy-toeing,

Tis round the house and 'bout the house a-lightly I am going."                  

"But what is that of every hue you carry in your basket?"

"Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue; I wonder that you ask it                                                           

"Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs and eggs of red and blue,

For every child in every house on bonny Easter day."

He raised his ears and winked his eye and twitched his little nose,

He shook his tail -- what tail he had, and stood up on his toes.

"I must be gone before the sun comes up the east is a glowing.

Tis almost time for bells to chime.

He hippety-hopped away as he said

All within is love.

 Joy forever more.

Consecrate your lives a new,

On Easter Day.

May God give you all the faith it takes

To make your dreams come true.

May His love and wisdom always help,

To guide you on your way.

May His light shine down upon you

To bless your Easter Day.                                                                                                                                                                                              

Easter is the gift of HOPE

Easter is the gift of PEACE

Easter is the gift of LOVE

Let us rejoice in Him, who gives them all.

May God bless you at Easter,

And keep you all year through.

Karl Wallace

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