Wednesday, February 29, 2012


7-12                                                                    IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO                                                                                                                         

             Dancing the Argentinian tango started between men. They were the immigrants coming from Italy and Spain, mixed in with the native people from Argentina. After work they went to the bars, and to amuse themselves they start dancing between themselves. Kids and women came later in the immigration. So they started doing a very athletic tango and competition tango. With time, they started dancing in the brothels, and a more seductive tango of passion and seduction. Later, tango traveled to Paris, and because Argentinians loves-Paris and the French people, he French accepted tango very well and started dancing in their dance halls.  Argentinians started dancing in high society. Tango changed a lot at that time, as the style was completely sheik and completely different from what the neighborhood wanted.
        My Tango Teacher is the best dance teacher in Weber County without a doubt. Her name is Nancy Xenede Case. Every Saturday at the Ogden Senior Center at 5:00 PM you can learn how to Tango for only $5.00. No partner necessary! You can enhance your partner connection skills with this highly developed, improvisational dance form. No previous dance experience is required! Enjoy fabulous music and socializing with tango lovers.    
       Nancy also teaches Tango for beginners at the Two Bit Café, located at 130 East 25th Street, Ogden, Utah. Class at 6-7:30 pm. for only $10.00.
      Two Bit Café’ is registered on the National Historical Society list. It is visited frequently by people from Argentina and others who live outside the country.
      For more information about Nancy go to:        

      For even more information go to a specific topic which is administered, sorted and maintained by a third party.            Tango Dance Lessons |
To be continued…

Author of this article is KARL WALLACE:                        Tango…     is an asset to music…pun intended

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