Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Children and Pumkins on a Valentine Night


The hills untie their bonnet; the bobolinks began
Their song,just as the sun goes down.  
How the sun set we do not know there seemed a purple bridge,
With three yellow pumpkins climing up a wall,
When they reached the top they saw a land of gray.
As nature put up the evening bars that led  the day away.

Tonight is the time to place Valintine cards
On porches and stairs, listing the
Ways you love someone
Time to embellish the front of envelopes,
Cards. Chocolates and floweres will surely
Melt many hearts on this Valentine's Day

You place your Valentines on a porch; run,
 hide, peek to see if someone loves you.
It's time when cupids and arrows flit through the sky,
The the docile wooly white moon wanders alone,
The North wind sweeps up leaves making love songs.
And young people give Valentine cards around town.

Sitting in windows, with candles aglow on this glorious night.
Tonight we put Valentines on porches and stairs,
Where our friends we'll meet and see their cards,
When candy hearts, are dropped in our brown sacks as
Who has the most will have more sweethearts, too.
Cupids are dancing throughout the night as we shiver down the street

With cold blue hands to seek the next house on Valentine night.
Three little pumpkins were sitting on their front gate
Long after dark when the first one said,
"I don't like Valentines, and it's getting late."
The second one said, "I don't care, I'm not afraid."
The third on said, "I'm ready for some Valentine fun."

Then whoosh went the wind: out went the lights!

The three little pumpkins run as fast as their little feet would
Go into their house with their hats whooped up on livted hair.
They didn't stop to stare. With smiling faces that never sulked
Singing all night long in Valentine goobling's goo goo tongue
"The worlds's a happy place where every girl or boy, big or small
Ought to sing or hum, what a fun Valentine's Day.                                                         

Karl WallaceTo read more Karl Wallace Poems go to:

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