Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Rainbow King

             KARL WALLACE                                           

Many, many years ago, my best friend
Placed a Rainbow on my front step,
A beautiful five pound over weight Rainbow,
Wrapped with the daily newspaper.

He rang the doorbell and when I answered
He began to slowly unwrap the newspaper  
Layer after layer exposing
The Rainbow at the obituaries page.

My excitement was hard to contain as it had been
Building from sports section on.
And there lay the Rainbow.

Where did you get that?"
“On the Snake River below Twin Falls,”
“Are you going to have it mounted?”
“No, I’m giving it to you.”

How happy I was and my family too
When we ate the fish that is no more.
Many years have passed since 
The Rainbow is no more.

I have thought of its beauty,
And wondered if I should have
Had him mounted
For mortals to see.

I wonder now how the rainbow
Might have felt as it was dragged
Fighting out of the drink.
Did anyone care on the day he expired?

When the bright autumn leaves
Were falling in spring; the water ran high
The stars came out with the clouds about.
Did anyone notice the king not there?

Could it be fish have a family tree?
If that be true a family clan might mourn all night
After they lost their patriarch.
Did anyone care at the time?

Did the fish king kids know
Their dad had chased a pike away
To save their lives for another day?
Did anyone care?

Any day when his kids were in school
Were they told of the spawn?
On the day they were born
Did anyone care at the time?

The king worked and performed
Their mother all worn until her eggs
Were gone and they were born
Did anyone care at the time?

O’ Powerful God of river control, did he
Have to leave his friends just then?
Did he have to be for fisherman to fish?
Did anyone care? 

Did anyone care at the time?
Is there a tree at the edge of the river’s flow
With a bird still sadly warbling his passing?
Are the hawks perched and waiting    

 For the sound of the kings evening thrashing  
Are the limbs of bushes at the water’s edge
Where rainbows like to rest, reminiscing?
Do they look and wonder why the king’s still away?

The farmers still plow and haul hay.
Where the king with his shimmering spots
Swam near the farm nd of man
Did anyone care at the time?
The cedar trees, the spruce pines stand straight and still,
Intertwined now and again with the water willows.
Did they have knowledge of the death near their side?
Or were they unaware of the whole affair?

Had man left the mighty Snake alone,
Not damned or fished or changed these fishes home;
Could my king fish by now have made a Roman legion
With splendid migrations to all the ocean’s regions?

Back again to the river tributaries
To make more jumping prodigy.
Being a prowling crew you would see trout dash
From rapids to still water flows.

The animals at least must be a little aware.
Bears coming on to participate in the show,
The eagles would fly small birds chirping in air
The magnificent scene is anyones dream.

Fishing for sport, catching fish with glee
I would like to know.
Has anyone cared in the end?
Does anyone care at all?

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